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Want to Look More Attractive on Video Chat? Try Looksery

Have you ever wanted to look more attractive while having video chat? Have you ever wanted to look “different” while on video chat? How about using an animated avatar while during video chat, on a mobile? Well, a new app launched in Apple App Store just lets you do that. Looksery lets you change your eye color, it can help you look 10 pounds thinner or simply it can help you appear attractive on video chat. And what is best about Looksery is that it does all this filtering in real-time.

Looksery has been raising funds on Kickstarter since this June and was funded $46,152 by July 18. Today it has been officially released on Apple AppStore.

Looksery also lets you have fun by allowing you chat as a panda, a gecko, a grumpy cat, a zombie, a monster or a flaming skull. The best thing about Looksery is its ability to let you chat via face-perfecting filters which let you remove any blemishes or zits, bags under your eyes, even out your skin tone, slim you face, remove lines, and change the color and size of your eyes.

Looksery features at a glance: Perfect your look

  • Skin – cover up zits, blemishes, bags under your eyes, lines and correct skin tone.
  • Eyes – change the color and size of your eyes to make them pop!
  • Face – thin your face and change your weight.

Animate your look

  • Transform into a cute pet – a panda, gecko, or a grumpy cat.
  • See what you look like as a zombie, monster, or flaming skull!
  • X-Ray yourself

Enhancing images

  • Re-touch photos and videos with 22 amazing looks.

Video Messaging

  • Share your looks in chats with all of your friends

Instant Sharing

  • Easily share your new video and photo looks on Facebook, Instagram, Vine and others.

Looksery is available for iOS only at this moment but Android version should follow soon. You can download Looksery for free from AppStore. Click here to download Looksery.

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