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Windows 10 Mobile Preview Build 14267.1004 Released to Insiders

Along with a new Windows 10 Redstone preview build for PC, Microsoft has also released a new Redstone preview build for Windows 10 mobile. Today’s mobile preview build 14267.1004 is basically the same build which was released last week on Friday but with two important fixes and a new feature.

Previous Windows 10 mobile preview build 14267 was released to bring notable improvements to Cortana and Microsoft Edge. Build 14267 brought in a bunch of bug fixes too.

As usual, the new build should be delivered to eligible Windows 10 devices automatically. As with previous build, today’s build will be available to select devices initially. These Windows 10 devices include Lumia 950, Lumia 950 XL, Lumia 550, Lumia 650 and Xiomi Mi4. With today’s build, ALCATEL ONETOUCH Fierce XL has been added to the list of eligible devices.

Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 14267.1004 What’s Fixed?

  • Fixed the issue reported by Insiders in Build 14267 where the Lumia 550 no longer charges or connects via USB. If you hit this issue on your Lumia 550, follow various methods to get back into a good state given here by Microsoft.
  • Fixed the issue preventing Visual Voicemail notifications from happening.

Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 14267.1004 What’s New?

  • Microsoft has introduced Visual Voicemail for dual-SIM devices such as dual-SIM Lumia 950 XL. This feature was supposed to be released with previous build but due to the above mentioned bug impacting notifications it was not working correctly. With today’s build, Visual Voicemail should be working as expected.
  • An update has been released to the People app that brings back the history feature. For a given contact you communicate with, you can view the interaction, whether by today, yesterday, last week etc. Right now, your Skype messages won’t show up in history yet but Microsoft is working on enabling this in a future update. Also – a bug in which opening an email item in history might not take you to that specific email is being tracked.

Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 14267.1004 Known Issues

Build 17267.1004 has the following known issues in addition to known issues of previous build.

  • If you have the Windows Feedback app pinned to Start, after upgrading from Build 10586.107 it will no longer show as pinned.
  • Microsoft is investigating reports from Windows Insiders of issues connecting to wireless displays.
  • When using Continuum on the Lumia 950 XL – the trackpad experience is not working correctly.

Source: Microsoft

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