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Microsoft Affiliate Program Has Been Moved to Impact Radius

I have been a Microsoft affiliate partner using the TradeDoubler platform for a few years. Although not as much as Amazon’s associate program, Microsoft affiliate program has been a rewarding one for me so far.

Last week, I received an email from Microsoft Affiliates titled – “Action required.” The email suggested that Microsoft was moving its affiliate program to a new platform starting 9th May. Affiliate partners were asked to sign up for a new account and co-operate with Microsoft during the transition.

“Dear Partner,” the email reads. “We are excited to announce that Microsoft is launching a new Private Affiliate Program, powered by Impact Radius. The Microsoft Private Affiliate Program is transitioning to Impact Radius starting on May 9th, 2018.”

The email asked partners to sign up on the new platform and replace all their previous links with new ones. This has to be done by 30th May, after which, partners will no longer be enrolled in the TradeDoubler Private program.

So I went ahead and signed up with Impact Radius in order to continue my affiliation with Microsoft. If you haven’t done so yet, I suggest you do that right away to make sure your partnership stays in place. Here’s how to sign up for Microsoft Affiliate program at Impact Radius.

How to Sign Up for Microsoft Affiliate Program at Impact Radius

Step 1

Head over to Microsoft Affiliates sign up page, choose your primary region and click Create Account.

Your primary region should be the one you reside in – regardless of the region you primarily promote. If you’re from India, for example, but promote products in other countries – say the US and the UK – you should select India during the sign-up process. Once your application is approved, you will be able to apply for other regions.

Create Microsoft Affiliate Account

When you click Create Account, a new tab will open in your browser. Switch to this new tab which should show the account creation page.

Change language, enter your name or your organisation’s name and enter your website. If you have more than one websites, enter the primary one.

Microsoft Affiliate Account at Impact Radius

Then choose the country of your residence, change the location of your bank account in which you’ll be paid, and change the currency.

Enter required information like your address and phone number as required and click Continue.

Step 2

On the next page, you will be asked to describe your business. Enter a meaningful description of your business, your websites, and/or your apps here.

Then select the method you primarily use for promotion of your business. Also, select any secondary promotion methods you use for promotions. Promotion methods include but are not limited to email marketing, coupons/deals, shopping/comparison etc.

Joining Microsoft Affiliate Program

On the same page, you should add countries where you will promote Microsoft products. Also choose the type of your property – a website or an app, for example – and provide its name, URL, and description.

Click Continue after you have entered the required information.

Microsoft Affiliate Account at Impact Radius

Step 3

Okay, the next step is to enter your personal information like your name and email. You will also choose a login and a password here. You might want to enter the same email as your TradeDoubler account here.

Step 4

On the next page, you will enter your tax information. If you’re registered for indirect taxes like VAT or GST, click the checkbox that says “Yes, I am registered for indirect tax.” Enter the required information here.

Then choose your organisation type. If you’re a blogger with no registered business, you should select Individual/Sole Proprietor.

Microsoft Affiliate Account Tax Info

Step 5

Alright. The next step is to review the information you have entered and complete the Microsoft Affiliates sign up process. You will then receive an email asking you to validate your account. After you do so, your application will be submitted for a review.

Microsoft Affiliate Account Confirmation

You should also receive an email titled “Insertion Order Application” confirming the submission of your application.

It should take a few days before your application is reviewed. Mine was approved overnight but it can take up to 4-5 days.

How to Sign Up to Promote Other Regions

Once your application to join Microsoft Affiliate program via Impact Radius is approved, you can apply to join other regions, too.

To sign up for any region other than the one you chose while initially applying for the program, head over to the sign-up page. This time, you will select another region you wish to promote. Click Create Account.

Note: Make sure you are logged out of your Impact Radius account.

On the first page of the application, click I already have an account. Sign in using the credentials you used in Step 4 above.

After login in, you should see the Review Insertion Order page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click I approve the Insertion Order and want to continue button.

The application to join another region will be submitted and you will receive an email confirming the same. Wait for a few days before your application is approved.

You will have to repeat the same process if you want to join other regions as well. Just remember to log out of Impact Radius account before each application.

What Next?

Once you sign up for Microsoft Affiliate Program at Impact Radius and get your account approved for all intended regions, you’re ready to explore the new platform. Familiarise with the platform, create a link or two and see how things work.

Impact Radius Microsoft Affiliate Dashboard

You will also need to enter your bank details and tax information to start receiving your earning. Go to Finance > Withdrawl Settings and enter required details. You can also change the payment schedule here. Save changes once you’re done.

To continue earning from the previous products you have promoted, you will have to change all your TradeDoubler links to Impact Radius. This could be a tedious task depending on the number of links you have.

Microsoft Affiliate Program Moved to Impact Radius: Summary

Microsoft has moved its affiliate account from TradeDoubler to Impact Radius. All affiliates are expected to join the new affiliate program by 30th May, after which, you will no longer be enrolled in the TradeDoubler Private program.

The new platform is fast and easy to use. Creating affiliate links for Microsoft products is way easier than it used to be with TradeDoubler. In fact, links can be generated right from the Impact Radius dashboard.

I wondered what will happen to the income I have already generated on TradeDoubler but is yet to be paid. I was told that the outstanding amount will be paid out in full with same schedule/structure.

Alright, folks. This was an article explaining how to join Microsoft Affiliate Program at Impact Radius. I hope you found it useful and I’d like to thank you for reading.

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