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Facebook Launches Rooms: Brings Back Old-School Chat Room Fun

Wait, am I reading it right? An app that doesn’t ask for your real name? That doesn’t need your phone number? That doesn’t want access to your contact list? You don’t need to provide your Facebook credentials to log-in? Is this the new app from Facebook? Well, at least the page on Apple App Store says so. From the Facebook Creative Labs, here comes Rooms. We all can not forget the fun we used to have back in days when we had all those chatrooms where we could use any name and join people from anywhere in world to discuss about the interest we had in common. We could create a new room, have a topic, set moderators and start chatting. Rooms just let you do the same. Rooms lets you create places for the things or topics you are passionate about and allows you to invite people interested in same.

Rooms allows you to create a discussion board on any topic. Every board gets a QR code, which can be used to invite others. You can share text messages, photos, videos just as you do on Facebook, without Facebook. You can put age restrictions, kick bad members out and create a “bully-free” environment. Rooms has no connection to your Facebook account in any way and is developed to be “mobile-only” chat room app. You can choose to have a different identity on every chat room you participate.

Rooms was built by Josh Miller, the co-founder of web discussions site Branch which was acquired by Facebook about a year ago. Currently there is no way you can search for chat-rooms in Rooms but as tweeted by Josh, there is a page on Reddit where people are posting QR codes of the room there create. Rooms is available for iOS device only at this moment but we expect Android and other versions soon.

Rooms is available free on Apple App Store. Click here to download Rooms right now!

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