Office 2016 Step by Step has been designed for users of varying expertise including absolute begginers and intermediate home/business users. If you are thinking of getting a deep yet easy dive into the world of Office 2016, this books is perfect for you. Office 2016 Step by Step can guide you to build your Office 2016 skills starting from fundamentals to specialized tasks.
Step by Step series books can prove to be handy when you need a quick reference about any topic and get answers easy answers. Office 2016 lessons are composed to help readers get broader idea about each topic. For reference, Office 2016 Step by Step includes colorful screenshots to show you what and how to do any task, step by step.
Microsoft Office 2016 Step by Step: Description
This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Jump in wherever you need answers–brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
Microsoft Office 2016 Step by Step: At a glance:
- Covers Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
- Format documents for visual impact
- Quickly prepare personalized email messages and labels
- Build powerful workbooks for analysis and reporting
- Analyze alternative data sets with Quick Analysis Lens, Goal Seek, and Solver
- Prepare highly effective presentations
- Strengthen your presentations by adding tables and graphics
- Organize your email, scheduling, and contacts
- Look up just the tasks and lessons you need

Every Step by Step series book includes:
- Numbered steps to guide readers through hands-on exercises.
- Colorful screenshots.
- Helpful tips and pointers in the form of TIP, IMPORTANT, and SEE ALSO reader aids.
- Practice tasks at the end of every chapter to help reinforce learning.
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9780735699236
- Title: Microsoft Office 2016 Step by Step
- Authors: Joan Lambert, Curtis Frye
- Publisher:Microsoft Press
- Series: Step by Step Series
- Pages: 592
- Available Formats: Book, eBook
- List Price: $49.99
Buy Microsoft Office 2016 Step by Step
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