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6 Best Twitter Feed Plugins For WordPress

Social network plays a huge role in every blogger’s success. Gone are the days when a blogger would rely on SEO and backlinks only. Social media platform like Twitter can not be ignored if you want to see your blog grow rapidly. Twitter’s rapid growth is no secret. Twitter had over 100 million in 2012 and the number of users has grown to 500 million as of May 2015. Now do some math. How large your user base can get if you could successfully use a service like Twitter?

Displaying your Twitter feed on your website is a great idea to encourage users to connect with you. Today, I am going to show you some of the best Twitter feed plugins you can use on your WordPress website.

1. Official Twitter Widget by Twitter

Twitter itself provides a widget which will help you display your Tweets on your blog. It is actually a piece of code rather than a widget. To use this widget, you do not need to install any plugin. You can simply generate the code and it can be displayed on your blog using a Text/Html widget.

Getting Twitter widget is pretty easy. Log-in to Twitter. Click on your profile picture and go to Settings. Click Widget from left pane. Once in Widgets, you can create a new widget by clicking on Create new. Provide your username and select the options like excluding replies and link color. You can also see a preview. Once you are done, click on Create widget. You will see a code. Copy this code.

Now go to Appearance -> Widgets in your WordPress dashboard and add a new text widget. Paste the code and save changes. That’s it. You are done. Your Twitter feed is added to your WordPress site now. Easy as pie? Sure it is.
Official Twitter Widget for WordPress

Now, if Twitter officially provides this widget, why would I need a third party plugin? You may ask. Well, other plugins help you with customization, look and feel of the feed and other options. Checkout other best Twitter feed plugin for WordPress below.

2. Recent Tweets Widget

Recent Tweets Widget for WordPress

With over 1,00,000 downloads, Recent Tweets Widget is one of the most widely Twitter feed widget for sure. It uses Twitter v1.1 API and allows you to cache your feed. You can select how frequently the cache should be updated.

3. WP Twitter Feeds

WP Twitter Feeds for WordPress

WP Twitter Feeds is an easy to use Twitter Feeds widget for WordPress. It allows you to configure settings like cache time, how many Tweets to display, whether or not to show Twitter avatar and screen name etc settings. You can also choose to display your Tweets as a slider.

4. Easy Twitter Feed Widget Plugin

Best Twitter Feed Plugins for WordPress

As the name suggests, Easy Twitter Feed Widget Plugin allows you to setup your feeds very easily. While other Twitter feed plugins require you to create a Twitter application in order to function, this widget does not. You simply need to add this widget, and select the options. Easy Twitter Feed Widget Plugin has many options you can choose from. You can customize the theme, select the widget heigh and width, now many Tweets to display, Widget border color, scrollbar etc. While this plugin is not updated since past two months, we do hope the developer will continue updating it for future WordPress builds.

Timeline Twitter Feed

Timeline Twitter Feed for WordPress

Timeline Twitter Feed is an HTML powered plugin. It allows you to showcase multiple hashtags alongside with your feed. It can be added to header or footer as well if your theme supports it.

5. Kebo Twitter Feed

best Twitter feed Widgets for WordPress

Display your Twitter Feed beautifully in 60 seconds is the tagline of this powerful little Twitter plugin. Kebo Twitter Feed does not need a Twitter application to setup in order to work. It provides with a Connect to Twitter button to authenticate your Twitter profile. You can select theme, style and number of Tweets to display. And that’s it. Kebo Twitter Feed will now display a beautiful Twitter feed on your site.

6. Simple Twitter Tweets

Simple Twitter Feed for WordPress

Let me sum up this list by mentioning my personal favorite. Simple Twitter Tweets is one of the best Twitter Feed Plugin for WordPress out there. It will not only display your Twitter feed, but it will also help your visitors engage with you directly by allowing them to reply, re-tweet or favorite your tweets right from your website.

But Parvez, there so many Twitter feed plugins for WordPress out there. I have seen a long list on other websites. Why only 6 plugin on One may ask. The simple answer to this is that yes, there are many plugin but a lot of plugins are outdated and does not work with latest version of WordPress. There are plugin which are not updated since one or even two years so including them is not a good idea.

This is it. I hope you like this compilation of best Twitter feed plugins for WordPress. If you did, then use those shiny little share icons and share this article with others. 🙂

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