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Best Free WordPress Resources to Help You Get the Most Out of It

Who can deny the importance of social media these days? If you are just starting a business or you are in business for hundreds of years, you can not ignore social. What you publish on social media matters and help you build more costumer base. This is all true for a WordPress site owner too. Even if you are just a blogger, you will have to build up an online presence at some point of time. And if you are serious about it by now, you will be amazed to learn that the content posted online at specific hours in a day and days in a week will help you drive more traffic to your site.

Buffer is an online tool which allow you to connect various social media profiles and schedule automatic posting of your content. It will show you specific time slots during which, your content should be posted on social media sites. You just have to tell Buffer what you want to publish on, say Twitter, and when. Buffer will take care of the rest. You don’t need to be available to post your content online.

Buffer is free with limited features but they are enough for a blogger who just want to take benefit of scheduling his/her Tweets and Facebook or Google+ posts.

Tip: Pinterest auto-posting is free for 30 days only on Buffer.

Give WordPress Donation Plugin
There are a number of bloggers and other site owners who rely on funds or donations to run their site. There are developers who develop free content and request their users to make a donation for their free content. If you ever want to ask for donations for your project, then Give WordPress plugin is one of the best choice available. Give is very easy to implement on WordPress site. All you need to do is to create a donation page, choose related options and publish it. Give will help you with everything afterwards.

Give supports donations via PayPal by default and does not charge anything from you or the donor. By purchasing addons, you can make Give even better. Give forms can be embedded in a page or sidebars without much efforts.

Tip: You may have to declare yourself as non-profit to receive donations via PayPal. Make sure to read terms of using PayPal before receiving donations. You can change Give settings to process donations as standard transactions instead of a donation.

Free WordPress Plugins
Nothing helps you more than free WordPress plugins. There are a large number of free plugins available which will help you make your WordPress site better. Developed by generous contributors of the WordPress community, some free plugins are ‘actually’ free and there are pro versions of plugins also available to provide you even more features.

If you are looking for best free WordPress plugins, take a look at our list of 10 Best Free WordPress Plugins to Help You Make a Better Site

Tip: Unnecessary plugins could prove heavy for your server. Make sure to remove plugins which are no longer in use.

This is it folks! You were reading our compilation of Best Free WordPress Resources to Help You Get the Most Out of It. Until we meet next, keep visiting Tech Stuffer and don’t forget to share this article with others. You can follow Tech Stuffer on Twitter and join us on Google+. You can also follow me on Flipboard.

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