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iOS 9.0.2 Jailbreak: To Upgrade and Jailbreak iOS 9.0.2 or Stay Jailbroken on iOS 8.4

Now that the surprising and ‘drama free’ iOS 9.0.2 jailbreak is released by Pangu team, and iOS 9.1 release is imminent, users are in dilemma whether they should stay jailbroken on iOS 8.4 or should they upgrade to iOS 9.0.2 and jailbreak. I am writing this article to clear some doubts you might have about the current state of jailbreak scene which should help you make your decision about staying jailbroken on iOS 8.4 or upgrading to iOS 9.0.2 and jailbreak with Pangu 9.

About iOS 8.4
iOS 8.4 is last iOS 8 revision which can be jailbroken. There is no jailbreak available for iOS 8.4.1 and everyone currently jailbroken is on iOS 8.4 or previous iOS version. iOS 8.4 or 8.4.1 are no longer being signed by Apple which means if you ever need to restore your device, you can not restore it on iOS 8.4/8.4.1 but you must upgrade to the current iOS version.

About iOS 9.0.2
iOS 9.0.2 is current iOS version released by Apple and currently being signed, which means you can upgrade to iOS 9.0.2 from previous iOS version. iOS 9.0.2 can be jailbroken by Pangu 9.

What about iOS 9.1
iOS 9.1 is already in beta stage and is going to be released soon. It will be a major iOS 9 update directed towards solving issues with current iOS version and to bring new features. iOS 9.1 is not jailbroken at the moment. None of the jailbreak developers have confirmed whether Pangu 9 works with iOS 9.1, or any other jailbreak for iOS 9.1 is in development.

Why Pangu team released jailbreak for iOS 9.0 – 9.0.2 and did not wait till iOS 9.1 release?
First of all, the race. Jailbreak scene is way too different than it used to be before. There are a lot of new developers like Pangu, TaiG, PP and other teams/individuals who develop jailbreaks. The scene is unpredictable. A jailbreak might come just out of nowhere or may never come. To beat other jailbreak teams (and probably to claim the $1 million prize), Pangu might have decided to release iOS 9.0 – 9.0.2 jailbreak and not to wait until the iOS 9.1 public release.

Another possibility is Pangu team being aware of their exploit(s) being patched by Apple in iOS 9.1. So it does not make sense to wait until 9.1 release.

iOS 9.0.2 jailbreak stability
The jailbreak released by Pangu team, seems to be stable but there are reports of Pangu 9 causing errors during jailbreak, and Boot Loop of Death after jailbreak. Meanwhile, the reports of stability are in favor or Pangu. Pangu team has also released Pangu 9 v1.0.1 which solves jailbreak errors (but no words about BLoD). Jailbreaking iOS 9.0.2 with Pangu 9 can be a try-and-test scenario until further clarifications about Pangu’s stability are made.

Okay dude, enough! Should I upgrade to iOS 9.0.2 and jailbreak or stay happy with my iOS 8.4 jailbreak?
The answer lies within the answer of another question. How badly do you want to upgrade to iOS 9.0.2? If you are dying to get all those shining new features of iOS 9 while keeping jailbreak, this is the best moment to upgrade to iOS 9.0.2 and jailbreak. The exploit(s) used in Pangu 9 is/are most probably patched in iOS 9.1. Once iOS 9.1 is out, you will not be able to upgrade to iOS 9.0.2 and must go for iOS 9.1 if you ever need to restore. If you upgrade to iOS 9.1 once it’s out, you will need to wait until a jailbreak is out. And no one has any idea when it may come, or it may never come at all.

Another thing you should keep in mind that there are many jailbreak tweaks which are not updated for iOS 9.0+. Developers are busy updating their tweaks but it might be possible that you may have to wait until all your favorite tweaks are updated. But again, there is no need to wait till iOS 9.1 release as you will not be able to upgrade to iOS 9.0.2 once Apple stops signing it and there is no jailbreak for iOS 9.1.

Moral of the story
Upgrade to iOS 9.0.2 while you still can. It will give you all the features and security updates of iOS 9.0.2 and the ability to jailbreak. If you decide to stay on iOS 8.4, there’s noting wrong in it. But once iOS 9.1 is out, there will be less chances of you being able to upgrade to it and jailbreak. Make your choice as soon as you can. You have time to think till iOS 9.1 public release.

I hope I made a few things clear about the current jailbreak scene. If you found this article useful, share with others.

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