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Microsoft Cloud Roadshow is Coming to Your City: Claim Your Free Spot Now

[mks_dropcap style=”square” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ff3b3e” txt_color=”#ffffff”]I[/mks_dropcap]n continued efforts to engage with IT pros and enthusiasts, Microsoft continuously keep hosting different events across the world. These events are aimed towards increasing awareness about Microsoft products and services as well as keeping IT enthusiasts up to date about them.

One such event currently being conducted by Microsoft is Microsoft Cloud Roadshow. Cloud Roadshow is a technical training event for IT Professionals and Developers which aim towards providing best practices and insight about Microsoft’s cloud platforms.

These Microsoft Cloud Roasdhow technical trainings are being delivered by Microsoft experts who build and run the cloud services across Office 365, Microsoft Azure and Windows 10.

Build and Upgrade Your Cloud Skills

Whether you are an expert already experienced in Cloud technology and want to stay current, or a cloud enthusiast just getting started in the cloud world, having access to best practices and training can prove to be more and more beneficial for you as the use of cloud technology is expanding. Microsoft takes best care of such best practices during these roadshows.

Which Topics Are Covered?

Microsoft experts will share expert tips and techniques, with over 80 technical training sessions which will cover following topics:

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  • Productivity
  • Security
  • Networking
  • Big data
  • Storage
  • Unified communications
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  • Identity
  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Collaboration
  • Hybrid Cloud
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  • Containers
  • Devops
  • Open source
  • Management
  • Internet of things
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Join Microsoft Cloud Roadshow in Your City

Dallas, New York and Toronto have already seen the cloud roadshow. The remaining events will take place in following cities:

[mks_col] [mks_one_third]
  • Singapore: December 7 – 8
  • Sao Paulo: January 19 – 20
  • Los Angeles: January 26 – 27
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  • Mexico City: February 2 – 3
  • Dubai: February 22 – 23
  • Bangalore: February 25 – 26
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  • London: February 29 – March 1
  • Copenhagen: March 3 – 4
  • Hong Kong: March 10 – 11
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For all cloud enthusiasts looking for expanding their skills, this is a great opportunity. Seats to Microsoft Cloud Roadshow are limited. So make sure you claim your free spot now. You can click the following button to register your self.

[mks_button size=”small” title=”Register now for free” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#ff3b3e” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-cloud” icon_type=”fa”]

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