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Google is Bidding Farewell to Chrome App Launcher

Introduced back in 2013 to users of Chrome web browser on Windows, Mac OS and Linux, Google’s Chrome app launcher will soon see its last day. It looks like Google has finally realized its app launcher is not being used by most of users. Google has announced that it is bidding farewell to Chrome app launcher on Windows, Mac OS and Linux platforms.

The app launcher which lets users launch Chrome apps without requiring the browser to be open, will continue to exist on in Chrome OS from where it was originally ported to other operating systems.

When a user installs an app on Google Chrome for the first time, the app launcher is enabled by default. In coming weeks, app launcher will no longer be enabled with Chrome app installations. Users who already have Chrome app launcher, will see a notification about its farewell. In July this year, existing instances of the launcher will be completely removed for all users.

Why is Chrome app launcher being killed?

Explaining the reason behind killing app launcher, Google said they have found that users on Windows, Mac and Linux prefer to launch their apps from within Chrome.

With this move, Google is trying to simplify its Chrome browser, like it used to be when it initially launched. For Chrome users like me, Chrome would be better less bloated, less hungry for memory and faster in speed.

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B-but no one even asked me! I loved Chrome app launcher!

If this is your reaction, then start launching your apps from Chrome’s bookmarks bar or by typing chrome://apps in Chrome’s omnibox (the address bar, you see?).

Do you use Chrome app launcher? Do you use Google Chrome browser? Share your thoughts with us.

Source: Google

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