After Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, EFF have came forwards in Apple's support on the encryption battle with FBI, Bill Gates has something of opposing nature to say.
After Google and WhatsApp voicing their support for Apple, social media giants Facebook and Twitter have also come forward to take side with Apple in the ongoing heated encryption row.
Google has "picked a side" and Sundar Pichai has made it clear they're on Apple' side. Sundar Pichai has came forward in Apple's support and said such attempts could be a troubling precedent.
Opposing FBI's demand of creating a backdoor in its iOS mobile operating system to help in San Bernardino shooting case, Apple CEO Tim Cook has said they won't create such tool which can put the security of its customers at risk.
Microsoft has just announced that they are going to stop trusting any certificate that is signed with SHA-1 algorithm earlier than planned. Microsoft previously made a decision to stop trusting SHA-1 signed codes starting from...